How to Set SMTP on Canon Printers with Microsoft 365 Mail Account?
How to properly create a scan job using a Microsoft (Office) 365 account on Canon Printers?
First of all, login to the Microsoft 365 Admin panel and create the mail address to be defined to printers or scanners. Then click on it for the properties of the mail address to be used.
Then click on the tab “Mail” setting.
In the “Manage email apps” option, activate the ones you need. Most importantly, the process will not bu successful if the SMTP service does not work. We are done with the Microsoft 365 Admin panel. Now we can move on to the settings on the printer or scanner side.
Canon Mail / TX Settings
We log in as admin from the printer’s web interface
After logging in the first thing in the setting is that the printer must be able to access the internet. Three different sections need to be set in the network settings.
Network Settings > IPv4 Settings
After configuring the network settings according to your own configuration, you may need to restart the printer once. Later, we enter the “Port Numbers Settings” in the Network Settings and configure it as follows. Those who use special ports should again configure the configuration according to themselves.
After configuring the port settings, we configure the TLS settings as follows.
Then go to TX Settings > E-Mail/I-Fax Settings
We configure the settings as follows.
SMTP Server:
E-Mail Adress:
Use TLS for SMTP TX > Verify Certificate
When you test the SMTP connection, if you get a message like the one below, everything is correct, and we can now switch to the address book for adding recipients.
In the address book, in the simplest form you can successfully send the scans to the mail addresses by doing the scans as follows below.
We confirm by naming the recipient and entering their e-mail address.
Now you can send scans to email without any problems.