How to Fix “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709)” on Windows 10 or 11
Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709). Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network.
If the default printer does not change or the printer you have shared on the network is not installed on the target computer, this article offers you solutions.
As you can see in the screenshot above, you may experience this problem, especially on a computer using a network printer. I also had this problem and I wrote an article about the solutions. This article provides you with alternative methods for finding solutions. Lets check the solutions.
Always make a backup of the registry before making any changes to Regedit!
Solutions 1 — Regedit
I’ve already mentioned that it’s a good idea to make a backup before making changes to the registry, just right-click and select Export.
- Press Windows + R buttons together then write regedit to Run then press enter.
Find the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows right click the Windows directory click Permissions…
On the Security tab, if there are no System and Administrator users in the group or user names, add them and grant Full Control permission. If these users exist, check the permissions. Save and exit the settings and restart the computer. Try again what you want to do with the printer. If it is not fixed, add Everyone to the users I mentioned in the steps above and give full control, save, exit and restart.
Solutions 2 — If There is Problem With The Default Printer
When you click on the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows folder, double click on the Device value on the right side and type the printer name you have correctly: Microsoft Print to PDF, winspool, Ne07: instead of Microsoft Print to PDF, winspool, Ne07:, change the first value before the comma to Xerox 7225, winspool, Ne07:… and then save and exit and restart. On the Devices and Printers page you will see that the default printer has changed.
Solutions 3— Driver and Versions…
If you have done these two step and it still fails, uninstall the printer drivers and reboot. Then reinstall the printer drivers and reboot again and try again. If there is still no solution, you can try installing different versions between driver versions. The next step includes the solution for printer sharing and network printers.
Solutions 4 — Network Printer and NETBIOS
The problem I had while sharing printers in the network environment, whether Workgroup or Domain, was very challenging, but the solution was so logical and simple. If you are using the NETBIOS standard, do not name computer or printer names longer than 15 characters by going beyond the NetBIOS standards. If you are still getting this error despite doing everything above, check the name of the computer where the printer is installed and to do this, simply press Windows + R, type sysdm.cpl in the run menu and click ok. When you click change, if the network name is too long or the computer name has an invalid character, correct it and restart and your problem will be fixed.
Solutions 5
Press Windows + R and type regedit. When we go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows folder, we delete the value that says LegacyDefaultPrinterMode in the description panel on the right side.
Microsoft sometimes messes up our printers with Windows updates. Of course, this is due to security vulnerabilities. I wish there won’t be a new bug, but it’s not possible :) I have listed the solutions I know so far for this problem in this article. I welcome readers with alternative solutions in the comments so that I can update the article and help more people find a solution. I wish you error-free days.